Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keilly Beautiful Flowers

I  selected this potograph because these are beautiful flowers. I took this potograph from a side view. The main reason I selected this potograph is because there are really neat flowers hiding on the back of all the flowers of the Zorro Garden. All of these flowers look like they form a line on the top and if you look closely on the bottom too. These flowers have harmony because they all look the same. The texture of the flowers look soft but the texture of the sticks looks hard,rough,and bumpy. It looks like there is the same amount of flowers in one side than in another. The flowers form a parttern. The pattern is a flower than the leaf than the flower again than the leaf.


  1. What a gorgeous photograph. I can tell you put a lot of thought into how you took this picture. Beautiful.

  2. I like your picture! The colors are very beautiful. -Brianna
