Friday, March 16, 2012
MoPA Blog Crandall Video!
SITP MoPA Blog Crandall
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Yanil crocodile
I slected this photograph because it's texture, you could tell it feel's bumpy by the way the patterns are design. The lines are curved. The shape of his feet look like an octopus feet. The way it's laying it's balance. The way his face looks like he's is bored.
Kevin the bee next to the flower
I selected this photograph because on the steam and the tree there is lines . On the bee there is a partner of black and yellow stripes . On one side of the leaf it is light and the other side is darker which creates contrast.
Brianna bridge
I select this photograph because I see lines and the bridge and
it also has shapes like squares. my picture is interesting because
it has texture, man that is hard. The value of my picture is darker
and it goes to lighter and is not really dark. This pictue is really interesting because it show that it has line, shares, texture and little of values and you could tell that it is so nice.
Keilly Beautiful Flowers
I selected this potograph because these are beautiful flowers. I took this potograph from a side view. The main reason I selected this potograph is because there are really neat flowers hiding on the back of all the flowers of the Zorro Garden. All of these flowers look like they form a line on the top and if you look closely on the bottom too. These flowers have harmony because they all look the same. The texture of the flowers look soft but the texture of the sticks looks hard,rough,and bumpy. It looks like there is the same amount of flowers in one side than in another. The flowers form a parttern. The pattern is a flower than the leaf than the flower again than the leaf.
Ivan beautiful flower
I selected this picture because is so beautiful an awesome i saw the picture and I saw that there where lines and a lot of texture i choose it black because is more beautiful and the value is white and black because we all like it.
Bryan worm
I seleted this potograph because the texture.The texture of the worm is soft and the ground is rough .The v.alue of this photo is light .The shape of the worm is curvyj.The line on the brick is straight and of the worm is curvy to .The contrast of this photo is light to very light.The vanteange I took is a bird eyeveiw.The harmony of the worm has little .The pattern from the brick is
blue and red.
Brandon Trex
I this photograph because the texture looks rough to me and the contrast looks like in the sky is bright and the ground is darker.The dinosaur looks mad tome.The dinosaurs body has harmony because it has orange,brown,and black.The shape of the dinosaur are like octagon.The lines on the dinosaur are in the midle of the octagons.
Tatiaira special sweet flowers
I select this photograph because there are petters each one of these flowers there's lines at the edge of the petals these texture and different shapes value is the flower color is pink,orange and red.
Ricardo's Dino
I selected this photograph because it has patterns in the trees the shape on both of the trees and you can see contrast from the mouth to the eye of the dinosaur and you can see lines all over the dinosaur.
Veronica Sun
I selected this photograph because the lines on the sun are straight. The shape are circle and on the side there is a rectangle. On the sun there is a pattern like lines, rectangle then a circle. The sun is balance because the other side is up and the other side is down. The value is blue, with while in the midde. I took this photograph in the sculpture. I also did the worms eye view when I took this photograph.
Carmen the lion pool
l selected this photogragh because the picture has elements of art the lines of the brick are shaped like a rectangle and the value is dark and gray the texture is rough the balance is just right and there is a pattern of a rectangle the contrast is white ,gray , blue the harmony is big and small competing the lion to the plant.
Alexia Nature
I selected this photograph because all the interesting elements that l discovered. My story is that nature is beautiful and so many pretty values,like green,but all kinds like light and dark green. I found so many beautiful patterns and lines that was very interesting. The patterns on my photograph got my attention. The patterns were organic shapes. Lines that I saw were very interesting because the leaves had white outlines. The leaves texture were bumpy,soft,and rough but on the edge. My photograph is very balanced. Also my opinion is that this picture is beautiful!
Brian Ducks
I chose the ducks because they were swimming in the water.Their feathers have a black and white pattern. They were swimming fast.So it was hard to take a picture. The water makes them look beautiful.
Jazmin Owl
l selected this Photograph because it has alot of soft texture. feather have many different lines.That create little squares and rectangle shapes.His feather in the front is darker and in the bottom it is more ligher thats contrast.
Hung fish
I selected this photograph because the texture on the fish is soft and the rock is rough.the shape of the fish is oval.the value of the fish is light and the value of the rock is dark.this picture is takin from a longshot.the tree looks like a shape of a circle.In the reflection of the building is a light value.
Colleen Rocks ln a Pond
I selected this photograph because of the contrast of elements. The pattern of brick forms an interesting line in the foreground. The shot was taken from a bird's eye view.
Miss Nacrelli Bamboo
I selected this photograph because I really enjoyed the unique vantage point as a "worm's eye view" of the bamboo door. There are vertical and horizontal lines that contrast the color of the wood. I think the balance is very even and there is.good harmony within the entire picture. The texture looks smooth and slick and re sunlight reflecting off of the wood creates interesting color.
Rosalie Forgotten Place
I selected this photograph because it has plants all over. The lines of the trees weren't straight, curved. You could see texture on the leaves sticking out. The bushes all had different forms or shapes and the pattern on the leaves and trees to me are all dancing. This beautiful place looks like it has been forgotten.
Jacob the forgotten bridge
I selected this photograph because it is so effective and it has a pattern of lines. There is contrast in the photo between the plants and the roof.
Victor the dirty worm
I select this photograph because the worm look squishy and the texture is soft and the floor is rough there are holes in floor. The line in the middle makes contrast and dalance the line on the worm is a lot of lines and the dirty worm. I did a birds eye view.
Ali owl
I selected this photograph becus it has a lot of texture like color are brown,black,white,gray,yellow,orenge.Shape's are square,circle.The pattern are ,black,white,gray.The back ground is white,black .
Rifat blue car
I setected this photo because of the car and i like how the man looks. I like the patterns that are in the car and the wheel. The man has values and the woman too and there is lines in the stairs.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Brandon Cigar Factory
From the picture that I have I think that the texture looks kind of rough to me, and I think the boys don't like the smell of the cigar. The balance looks equal to me when I see the picture. The value looks like it has a lot of colors, like black, gray, and white. The chairs that the boys sit on have vertical lines on the top part of the chair, and horizontal lines on the bottom part of the chair. The boys that are working look tired and sad.
Rifat El Toros
In the photo there is shapes. There is half circle. In the photo the man is
holding a sheet and the bull looks like going into the man. And
the bull is bigger than the man. The bull looks like he is getting ready for running over the man and the man looks like he is going to run and the bull is running .
Monica Drying Wheat
This photograph is about a little native American girl drying wheat in an Juan. You can see lines on the basket and you can see that her belt has a lot of pattern and her hair too. In the background it looks very smooth but the wheat would probably feel rough and bumpy. If the girl was doing her job right now she would feel how the soft wind is blowing in her face. If you look in the background it looks very balanced. If you look really closely at her hair you can see that it has a lot of lines. This photographer did the photograph by doing a side view and only showing half of the girls face.
Keilly goats for sale
In this picture a man is taking his goats to his farm to sell them. I think this is an interesting picture because there is contrast in the goats colors. There is also harmony on the dark goats color,and on the light goats color. If you notice on the bottom there is criss cross lines and a square pattern on the floor. In the background you can see a lot of rectangular patterns. I don't think this picture is balanced because there is more people in one side than the other. I think the texture of the walls are rough,crumy,and moldy. The sheep stink because they look dirty. There is also a lot of horvizontal lines in the windows and on the wall. The wall looks light on top and on the bottom old,gooey,and a dark color.
Ali snowflake
The shape is a snowflake .The snowflake's texture is soft. I notice a pattern that look's like tree.The value of the area outside is black. The snow flake has a white value .Vantage point is birds eye view.
Kevin Trucks
The shapes it has is a circles. I also see triangles. I see lines on the back of the trucks. The texture of the sand is lumpy. The value is on the tires. One side you could see and the other you can't. The pattern is five trucks don't have tires and one truck has tires.
Carmen Snow Flake
In my picture I can see light and dark values and patterns created by lines and shapes. The texture will be soft and there are lines. If you look carefully the shape is an Octagon and the plate is a circle. The balance is even and the contrast is brown, black, and gray. The person who took the picture did a front view.
Bryan train
The line in this picture are in the train and the house.The texture of the train is soft and the texture of the house is rough. In the background has houses and behind the train you can see wood .The shapes of the train is curve.The value of the picture is light and the coloer that they use is gray
Colleen Dunes
Dunes has wavey texture in the sand. The shape of the line down the center of the dune is organic. There is balance between the dark value on the left side of the dune and white on the right side of the dune.the organic line gives the image harmony and it appears tranquil in spite of being located in a harsh desert environment. The texture seems so close you might be able to feel the ripples of sand if you touched this photograph.
Veronica Lace
My photo is a story of different lines.
It has some shapes like circles and square. It has pattern like grapes,flower. It has contrast like it's first white and then dark like black. It has texture it will feel ruft and on the top it will feel soft. On the balance is all flat on something.
Brian Cigar Factory Boys
I see four boys. There are lines and circles on the chair. The texture of the chair is bumpy. The value is grey and white. It looks like the boys are working.
Tatiaira Three Little Children
My picture is a story a Three Little Children are playing there is two boys are happy and one girl sad because one boy not shareing the long stick and she lending the brick and she bored
Brianna fishing
The shape of my picture is a triangle because a boy is sitting
on wood and the picture l have has value. Value means that go to darker and lighter of the color. my picture has little of texture and it is hard.This picture is so interesting because the boy is fishing with his friend. In this picture from I see it is so
Alexia 6 Trucks
My picture is a story of 6 trucks and 6 people in each waiting for them to make a delivery. Some shapes that l see are circles and ovals in each wheel of these trucks. The value of these trucks have a light color of white and also a dark grey color. The trucks have dark outlines so you can see some of these shapes. I could see patterns in these trucks because all or the trucks are in a line like if they are in a parking lot.
Ivan old town
When I barely saw the picture i saw that the men were working a lot because I see that in the picture that they are all sweaty and all in the rocks. They are all tired and sad but the other mom and kids are in there house and the texture of the rock is rough and hard and I see that there making it close to the lake. The pattern is in all the house they are lines it se that thee are a lot of baldness and texture.
Hung bridge
The picture that I have is of a has line that make a rectangle shaped.there are ten people on the bridge tacking a picture for a magazin.the contrast is light in the sky and dark on the bridge.the metals texture is cold.the picture is sideshot.there is straight line on the bridge.the value the bridge is dark and the site value is light.
Wiliam Train
These people used the train to travel to different places and countries . One of the elements of art are that there are different wheel shapes. The different wheels add contrast. The train has different patterns such as space, line, space, line in O triangle shapes on the wheels.
Yanil Farm
This photograph of a boy who's poor. The color texture of the sky is foggy .It make's you feel sad . If you put your hands in the sand it well feel smooth and warm .The plant feels rough. The lines look like theirs a factory. It has an pattern because he walks and pulls out a plant.
Victor desert
The texture is rough and the cliffs are curvy. On the cliff
the eleven men are looking for something. The color of the people contrast the color of the cliffs and the mountains.
There are lines that are wiggly.
Jazmin Amphitheatre
The line is straight and they are the same. The shape is like an arch shape. The pattern is squiggly line and the color is light brown. The harmony is the similar of the picture it looks like a arch pattern. They are contrast because in it has dark brown and the out side is light brown.
Ricardo bamboo styles
The bamboo that is cut in half is lighter than the whole bamboo and it creates contrast.The bamboos are curved and has lines.