Friday, March 16, 2012

MoPA Blog Crandall Video!

Take a look at this special video made out of the pictures from your blog postings!
SITP MoPA Blog Crandall

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Yanil crocodile

I slected this photograph because it's texture, you could tell  it feel's bumpy by the way the patterns are design. The lines are curved. The shape of his feet look like an octopus feet. The way it's laying it's balance. The way his face looks like he's is bored.

Kevin the bee next to the flower

I selected this photograph because on the steam and the tree there is lines . On the bee there is a partner of black and yellow stripes . On one side of the leaf it is light and the other side is darker which creates contrast.               

Brianna bridge

I select this photograph because I see lines and the bridge and
it also has shapes like squares. my picture is interesting because
it has texture, man that is hard. The value of my picture is darker
and it goes to lighter and is not really dark. This pictue is really interesting because it show that it has line, shares, texture and little of values and you could tell that it is so nice.

Keilly Beautiful Flowers

I  selected this potograph because these are beautiful flowers. I took this potograph from a side view. The main reason I selected this potograph is because there are really neat flowers hiding on the back of all the flowers of the Zorro Garden. All of these flowers look like they form a line on the top and if you look closely on the bottom too. These flowers have harmony because they all look the same. The texture of the flowers look soft but the texture of the sticks looks hard,rough,and bumpy. It looks like there is the same amount of flowers in one side than in another. The flowers form a parttern. The pattern is a flower than the leaf than the flower again than the leaf.

Ivan beautiful flower

I selected this picture because is so beautiful an awesome i saw the picture and I saw that there where lines and a lot  of texture i choose it black because is more beautiful and the value is white and black because we all like it.

Bryan worm

I seleted this potograph because the texture.The texture of the worm is soft and the ground is rough .The v.alue of  this photo is light .The shape of the worm is curvyj.The line on the brick is straight and of the worm is curvy to .The contrast of this photo is light to very light.The vanteange I took is a bird eyeveiw.The harmony  of the worm has  little .The pattern from the brick is
blue and red.